Stage LED Screen
A stage LED screen is essentially a large screen placed at the back of a stage that can play videos or show an image, basically acting as an adjustable background for the stage. Though only serving as a background, the use of stage LED screen has risen in popularity over the years regardless whether the venue is indoors or outdoors. Because of their overall cost-saving maintenance, their customizability, and the artistic tension they provide, more and more venue owners and artists have switched to using stage LED screen for their performances.1.Stage LED Screen: What do I need to know?
Thanks to the high level of visual impact they generate, stage LED screen are particularly attractive among the various models on the market. Our stage LED screen can also be easily adapted to all possible uses, whether outdoor or indoor LED screens, as well as to all types of events that can take full advantage of all their benefits. The main goal is to give the audience a realistic visual experience. On the other hand, it is able to convey the desired message or information clearly and powerfully. Some of the events that can benefit from this technology are listed below: Concerts Charity events Conferences Sports events2.Truss and Ground Support for LED Stage Panels
When it comes to what is necessary to set up a stage for this type of video wall, the first thing you need is a good truss and ground support. It can be staged in concert halls, theaters or outdoor stages. Stage LED screen are changing the entertainment industry. Stage LED screen is a large screen placed at the back of the stage. It plays video, displays images and transmits information. Low maintenance. Fully customizable. Superior image quality It significantly enhances the viewing experience of the audience, stimulates their imagination and blends digital imaging with human performance.