What is a Mobile Billboard? Knowing Cost, Size, and Value

mobile billboard advertising

1. Introduction

Mobile billboards, with their mobility, effectively capture public attention and increase ad exposure. Advertisers can adjust routes and schedules in real time based on market demands, making the ads more competitive. The urbanization process and the expansion of traffic networks have made mobile billboards trendy for brand promotion.

2. What is a Mobile Billboard?

A mobile billboard, also known as mobile LED screen in LED industry, is an advertisement displayed on vehicles such as trucks, trailers, and taxis. Compared to fixed LED display, mobile billboards offer greater flexibility and can be showcased in locations where target audiences gather, such as downtown areas, shopping malls, and stadiums. The biggest advantage of mobile billboards is their dynamic nature, allowing ads to be displayed in multiple locations, thereby increasing the breadth and frequency of brand exposure.

3. What is the Production Process of a Mobile Billboard?
The production process begins with determining the size and material of the billboard, as these factors influence its weight and durability. Next, the style and design of the billboard are decided based on the budget and market needs. During production, a frame is constructed according to the billboard’s size and shape, onto which the advertisement fabric or other materials are mounted. Finally, the billboard is customized according to the client’s requirements by adding text, images, or other decorative elements.

digital mobile billboard

4. Are Mobile Billboards Worth the Investment?

Given the typically high return on investment (ROI) of mobile billboards, they play an essential role in market promotion, especially for companies needing to boost brand awareness quickly. Mobile billboards, unlike other forms of advertising, are not restricted to specific locations or times, allowing for continuous advertisement display around the clock. For example, a fast-food brand can promote a new product to commuters on major traffic routes during rush hours through mobile billboards, directly enhancing brand visibility.

The effectiveness of mobile billboards has been fully demonstrated in real market promotion cases. For instance, during the Apple 2024 product launch, mobile billboards were used to display ads across various tech expos, successfully attracting target customers and generating substantial social media exposure for the brand. However, whether investing in mobile billboards is worthwhile still depends on a comprehensive assessment of the brand’s target market, budget, and expected outcomes. Therefore, before making an investment decision, companies should carefully analyze market demand and select the most appropriate advertising format.

If you want to get mobile billboard, RTLED can make the best LED display solution for you.

indoor fixed LED display

5. How Much Does a Mobile Billboard Cost?

The cost of a mobile billboard is influenced by several factors, including the type, size, display duration, and coverage area. Typically, mobile billboard costs can be calculated on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Here are some of the main factors that affect the cost of mobile billboards:

Location: Displaying ads in busy or high-traffic areas usually incurs higher costs.
LED Billboard Size: Larger billboards have a more significant display effect and therefore come with higher costs.
Display Duration: The longer the display time, the higher the cost; some advertisers may choose to display ads during specific peak periods to save on costs.
Ad Design: High-quality design and production also increase the overall cost of the advertisement.
In addition, companies can choose to either rent or purchase mobile billboards. Renting is usually suitable for short-term events or promotions, while purchasing is ideal for long-term brand promotion. Companies should make appropriate choices based on their budget and advertising needs.

mobile digital billboard truck

6. What is the Size of a Mobile Billboard Ad?

Mobile billboards come in various sizes, from small taxi LED display billboards to large truck LED billboards, each serving different purposes. Common mobile billboard sizes include:

Taxi LED Display Billboards: Typically small-sized displays suitable for conveying simple brand messages or slogans.
Truck LED Billboards: Larger in size, ideal for displaying more complex advertising content such as product images or promotional information.
Trailer LED Display Billboards: Can be customized in size according to needs, suitable for large-scale brand promotion.
The size of the billboard directly impacts the display effect and the attention it receives from the audience. Therefore, when choosing the size of the billboard, companies should consider factors such as the complexity of the advertising content, the distance from the target audience, and the environment in which the advertisement will be displayed. Ad designers should also optimize the ad content based on the billboard’s size to ensure clear communication and visual impact.

taxi top LED display

7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Billboards


High Visibility: With their dynamic display, mobile billboards are more likely to capture the attention of a broad audience, especially in busy urban traffic areas where viewers are often distracted by other things.
Flexibility: Advertisers can flexibly adjust the display route and time of the billboards according to market demand and promotional activities to better meet different market needs.
Wide Coverage: Mobile billboards are not limited to fixed locations and can appear multiple times in different areas, increasing ad exposure and effectiveness.


Higher Cost: Compared to other forms of advertising, the production, maintenance, and display costs of mobile billboards are relatively high, which may put some pressure on the advertiser’s budget.
Weather Impact: In adverse weather conditions, the display effect of mobile billboards may be affected, leading to a decline in advertising effectiveness.
Complex Operation: The operation of mobile billboards requires a professional team for management and maintenance, increasing the advertiser’s management costs and complexity.
To maximize the advantages of mobile billboards, advertisers should formulate a reasonable display strategy based on their market needs and goals to ensure that the billboard’s display effect meets expectations. Additionally, choosing suitable suppliers and partners can effectively mitigate potential risks and ensure the quality and effectiveness of the billboard.

led mobile billboard truck

8. Conclusion

As a unique and effective form of advertising, mobile billboards are suitable for companies that need to quickly enhance brand awareness and cover a wide audience. However, whether this form of advertising is right for your business depends on specific market needs, budget, and promotional goals. If you are looking for an innovative and efficient advertising method, mobile billboards may be a powerful tool for your brand promotion.

If you have any question, please contact us now.

Post time: Aug-09-2024