Yuav Ua Li Cas Xaiv Sab Nraud LED Zaub?

Hnub no,sab nraum zoov LED zaubtuav txoj haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv kev tshaj tawm thiab cov xwm txheej sab nraum zoov. Nyob ntawm qhov xav tau ntawm txhua qhov project, xws li kev xaiv ntawm pixels, kev daws teeb meem, nqe, cov ntsiab lus playback, tso saib lub neej, thiab kev saib xyuas pem hauv ntej lossis tom qab, yuav muaj kev sib txawv ntawm kev sib pauv.
Of course, the load-bearing capacity of the installation site, the brightness around the installation site, the viewing distance and viewing angle of the audience, the weather and climatic conditions of the installation site, whether it is waterproof, whether it is ventilated and dissipated, thiab lwm yam sab nraud. Yog li yuav ua li cas yuav khoom sab nraum zoov LED zaub?

Event LED zaub

1, Qhov xav tau los tso saib cov ntsiab lus. Tus nam piv ntawm daim duab diploma yog txiav txim siab raws li cov ntsiab lus tseeb. The video screen is generally 4:3 or the nearest 4:3, and the ideal ratio is 16:9.

2. Paub meej qhov pom qhov deb thiab saib lub kaum sab xis. Txhawm rau kom ntseeg tau qhov pom kev deb ntawm qhov pom ntawm lub teeb muaj zog, ultra-high-brightness lub teeb-emitting diodes yuav tsum raug xaiv.

3. Cov qauv tsim thiab cov qauv tsim tau tuaj yeem hloov kho LED zaub raws li qhov kev tshwm sim tsim thiab cov duab ntawm lub tsev. For example, in the 2008 Olympic Games and the Spring Festival Gala, the LED display technology was applied to the extreme to achieve extreme perfection visual effects.

sab nraum zoov coj dispaly

4. It is necessary to pay attention to the fire safety of the installation site, the energy saving standards of the project, etc. When choosing, the quality of the LED screen, and the after-sales service of the product are all important factors xav txog. LED zaub screen yog ntsia sab nraum zoov, feem ntau raug rau lub hnub thiab los nag, thiab qhov chaw ua haujlwm hnyav. Kev ntub dej lossis ntub dej hnyav ntawm cov khoom siv hluav taws xob tuaj yeem ua rau luv luv lossis txawm tias hluav taws, ua rau tsis ua haujlwm lossis txawm tias hluav taws, ua rau poob. Therefore, the requirement on the LED cabinet is to take into account the weather conditions, and be able to protect against wind, rain, and lightning.

5, Lub installation ib puag ncig yuav tsum tau. Select industrial-grade integrated circuit chips with a working temperature between -30°C and 60°C to prevent the display from being unable to start due to the low temperature in winter. Nruab cov khoom cua kom txias, kom qhov kub thiab txias ntawm lub vijtsam LED nyob nruab nrab ntawm -10 ℃ ~ 40 ℃. Lub kiv cua axial ntws yog ntsia rau tom qab ntawm lub vijtsam, uas tuaj yeem tso tawm cua sov thaum kub siab dhau.

6. Kev tswj tus nqi. The power consumption of the LED display is a factor that must be considered.

Post lub sij hawm: Sep-23-2022